
Publications tagged with


Fish and epifaunal community observations at an artificial reef near a natural coral reef: Nineteen years at Platform High Island A389-A, from bare steel to coral habitat

Boland, G. S.

Since its installation 1 October 1981, the platform High Island A389-A has progressed from a bare steel structure in 125 m of water to a climax bluewater artificial reef community including a number of hermatypic coral species.

The potential of deepwater petroleum structures to affect Gulf of Mexico fisheries by acting as fish aggregating devices (FADS),

Edwards, R. E. and K. J. Sulak

Existing scientific information, from published studies of FADs elsewhere or from fundamental understanding of fish aggregation and attraction, phenomena and processes, is not sufficient for understanding or predicting potential FADs effects of GOM DPS

The Artificial Reef Studies

Gallaway, B. J., M. F. Johnson, L. F. Martin, F. J. Margarff, G. L. Lewbel, R. L. Howard, and G. S. Boland

Surveys of biofouling macroepibiota and fishes were made in June 1978 at four production platforms offshore Louisiana and were supplemented by limited observations made at an additional 15 platforms in August and September of 1978.

Benthic biology

Baker, J. H., K. T. Kimball, W. D. Jobe, J. Janousek, C. L. Howard, and P. R. Chase

Samples for this program were collected at 20 platforms and four control sites located on the Louisiana OCS.

Health effect indicators in American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the Terra Nova development site, Grand Banks, NL, Canada

Mathieu, A.

Excerpt from the Abstract: “Bioindicator studies were carried out on a commercial groundfish, American plaice, at the Terra Nova development site prior to commencing (1997) and during (2000 and 2001) drilling operations.


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