
Publications tagged with


Species composition and abundance of the fishes at offshore petroleum platforms on the San Pedro Shelf, southern California

Martin, C. J. B.

Research examining fish assemblages associated with offshore petroleum platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel (SBC) have indicated an ecological importance of these structures; however, the platforms further south on the warm-temperate San Pedro Shelf

Age and growth of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) from artificial structures and natural reefs in the Adriatic Sea

La Mesa, M., G. Scarcella, F. Grati, and G. Fabi

Age and growth of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus, were estimated for different populations inhabiting natural reefs and artificial structures (artificial reefs and offshore gas platforms) in the northwestern Adriatic Sea.

Importance of the artificial light field around offshore petroleum platforms for the associated fish community

Keenan, S. F., M. C. Benfield, and J. K. Blackburn

Offshore petroleum platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico provide a unique environment for many reef-associated and pelagic fish species; however, the factors that contribute to increased localized fish abundance remain poorly quantified.

Marine communities of North Sea offshore platforms, and the use of stable isotopes to explore artificial reef food webs

Guerin, A. J.

Stable isotope methods offer a powerful means of investigating trophic interactions, allowing assessment of the relative importance of multiple nutrient sources to biological assemblages, as well as estimation of the trophic positions of consumers.


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