
Publications tagged with


Fish detection around offshore artificial structures: preliminary results from hydroacoustics and fishing surveys

Punzo, E., S. Malaspina, F. Domenichetti, P. Polidori, G. Scarcella, and G. Fabi

The spatial distribution of fish assemblages was investigated through either hydro-acoustic surveys (using a Multibeam Echosounder) or fishing surveys (using trammel nets) carried out at increasing distance from two gas extraction structures in the Adr

Fish assemblages associated with oil industry structures on the continental shelf of north-western Australia

Pradella, N., A. M. Fowler, D. J. Booth, and P. I. Macreadie

This study provides the first assessment of fish associations with oil and gas structures located in deep water (85–175 m) on Australia’s north-west continental shelf, using rare oil industry video footage obtained from remotely operated vehicles.

Successful discrimination using otolith microchemistry among samples of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus from artificial reefs and samples of L. campechanus taken from nearby oil and gas platforms

Nowling, L. K., R. W. Gauldie, J. H. Cowan Jr., and E. De Carlo

A total of 98 Lutjanus campechanus otoliths were analyzed by ICPMS from collections made from both artificial reefs and oil and gas platforms in Alabama and Louisiana over a two-year period from 2002 to 2003.

Environmental impact assessment: detecting changes in fish community structure in response to disturbance with an asymmetric multivariate BACI sampling design

Martin, C. J. B., B. J. Allen and C. G. Lowe

One of the primary challenges to detecting anthropogenic environmental impacts is the high degree of spatial and temporal variability inherent in natural systems.

Assemblage structure of fish at offshore petroleum platforms on the San Pedro Shelf of southern California

Martin, C. J. B. and C. G. Lowe

Offshore petroleum platforms in California's Santa Barbara Channel have been shown to be of ecological importance for local fish populations; however, before our investigation, no data existed on the fish assemblages associated with the platforms on th


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