
Publications tagged with


A pilot study of the distribution and abundance of rockfishes in relation to natural environmental factors and an offshore oil and gas production platform off the coast of Southern California.

Love, M., J. Hyland, A. Ebeling, T. Herrlinger, A. Brooks and E. Imamura

Platform Hidalgo is located in 123 m of water off Point Arguello, California. A pilot study was conducted to examine the distribution and abundance of rockfishes around Hidalgo and at eight adjacent natural reefs.

A life history review for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico with an evaluation of the importance of offshore petroleum platforms and other artificial reefs

Gallaway, B. J., S. T. Szedlmayer, and W. J. Gazey

Red snapper mature as early as age 2, have high fecundity (a 10-year-old female produces 60 million eggs per year), and may live for over 50 years. Eggs, larvae, and post-settlement juveniles typically show high rates of natural mortality.


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