Love, M. S., M. M. Nishimoto, S. Clark, and A. S. Bull.
1) The fish assemblages found around the Summerland platforms are similar to those around other
platforms situated in the same bottom depths in the Santa Barbara Channel (i.e., Holly and Gilda);
In 1996 we surveyed the fishes living on and around seven offshore oil platforms in the Santa Barbara
Channel area. We conducted belt transects at various depths in the midwater and around the bottoms of each
Mathers, E. M., D. F. Houlihan, and M. J. Cunningham
Six biochemical indicators of protein synthesis rate and of metabolic rate in white muscle (RNA concentration expressed as mg RNA g-l muscle, pg RNA mg-' protein and mg RNA mg-' DNA;and the activities of the enzymes citrate synthase, cytochrome oxidase
Soldal, A. V., I. Svellingen, T. Jørgensen, and S. Løkkeborg.
We describe an experiment intended to estimate the extent to which decommissioned platforms in the North Sea attract fish. The work was carried out at a “semi-cold” platform in the Norwegian Sector between May and September 1998.
Secondary (i.e., heterotrophic or animal) production is a main pathway of energy flow through an ecosystem as it makes energy available to consumers, including humans.
The suggested use of decommissioned oil platforms as artificial reefs initiated a study of the abundance and residence of fish in the vicinity of the Albuskjell 2/4 Fox platform in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
Nearshore Louisiana has experienced substantial changes within the last half-century, including the annual formation of the worlds second largest hypoxic zone and the construction of thousands of oil and gas platforms (rigs).