
Publications tagged with


Ecological performance of young-of-the year blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) associated with oil platforms and natural reefs in California as measured by daily growth rates.

Love, M. S., E. Brothers, D. M. Schroeder, and W. H. Lenarz.

Decommissioning alternatives regarding offshore oil platforms include leaving some or all of the platform structure in place.

Estimation of saithe Pollachius virens growth rates around the Beryl oil platforms in the North Sea: a comparison of methods.

Mathers, E. M., D. F. Houlihan, and M. J. Cunningham

Six biochemical indicators of protein synthesis rate and of metabolic rate in white muscle (RNA concentration expressed as mg RNA g-l muscle, pg RNA mg-' protein and mg RNA mg-' DNA;and the activities of the enzymes citrate synthase, cytochrome oxidase

Rigs-to-reefs in the North Sea: hydroacoustic quantification of fish in the vicinity of a “semi-cold” platform

Soldal, A. V., I. Svellingen, T. Jørgensen, and S. Løkkeborg.

We describe an experiment intended to estimate the extent to which decommissioned platforms in the North Sea attract fish. The work was carried out at a “semi-cold” platform in the Norwegian Sector between May and September 1998.


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