From the text: “The primary purposes of this study were : (1) to collect quantitative data for comparison of reef fish populations associated with natural hard bottom areas and offshore oil and gas structures and (2) to develop fish population sampling
Parker, J. G., P. Howgate, P. R. Mackie, and A. S. McGill.
From the Abstract: "Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), dab (Limanda limanda) and sole (Solea solea), caught by netting in the vicinity of selected southern North Sea gas production platforms, were assessed by an expert sensory p
This study was conducted in the Santa Barbara Channel at two offshore oil and natural gas platforms (Holly, Houchin) and two inshore natural rocky reef outcrops (Naples,Mohawk).From Study Results: “Amphipod crustaceans comprised the highest proportion
Shaw, R. F., D. C. Lindquist, M. C. Benfield, T. Farooqi, and J. T. Plunket
This was a baseline ecological ichthyoplankton study conducted at two platforms east of the Mississippi River Delta. Using light traps and passive plankton nets larval and juvenile fish were over two nights, twice monthly, from May–September 1999.
Fish distribution around structures of the Ekofisk oil field in the central North Sea was investigated by means of gillnet fishing, longlining, jigging and echosurveying. The studies were carried out during one week in August 1978.
The maximum number (Nmax) of fish was recorded using baited underwater camera (BUC) techniques to study spatio-temporal changes of the fish community in localize areas.
From Summary and Conclusions: “1. High standing stock and density of fouling on submerged oil platform structures offer feeding grounds for grazing fishes. Therefore, the oil platforms play a comparable ecological role with artificial reefs. 2.
Higher molecular weight Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) associated with crude oil induce CYPIAI gene expression, and this response has been utilized as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs in aquatic and marine environments.
The northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) contains approximately 2,500 oil and gas platforms, resulting in one of the largest de facto artificial reef systems in the world.
Volume 1: “The Pilot Study is an initial component of a larger possible field study designed to examine and evaluate variations in commercially important rocky-reef fishes in relation to natural environmental factors and to potential effects (either po