Health effect indicators in American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the Terra Nova development site, Grand Banks, NL, Canada

Mathieu, A.


Excerpt from the Abstract: “Bioindicator studies were carried out on a commercial groundfish, American plaice, at the Terra Nova development site prior to commencing (1997) and during (2000 and 2001) drilling operations. During this period, 6 wells were drilled using a combination of water-based and synthetic-based muds, which were discharged according to regulatory guidelines. No production waters were released during this perior, but other minor sources of contaminants included sewage, deck drainage, bilge waters, and those from shipping activity. Fish were collected in the vicinity of the development site as well as a reference site. A range of bioindicators were investigated in over 250 fish, including fish condition indices, visible skin and organ lesions, histopathological alterations in liver and gill tissues, levels of hepatic mixed-function oxygenase enzymes, and differential blood cell counts. Comparable counts were obtained between the sites indicating that the health status of American plaice has not been affected by development at the Terra Nova site.”



Book/Report Title: 

Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Effects Monitoring Approaches and Technologies




S. L. Armsworthy, P. J. Cranford, and K. Lee


Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio
