The concentration of 51 parent and alkylated PAHs was examined in oysters, Ostrea equestris, and corals,Tubastrea coccinea, collected from oil-rig structures off the coast of Louisiana during April andMay 2011 to investigate their pot
From the Abstract: “One of the happier consequences of Greenpeace's high profile campaign in stopping the sinking of the Brent Spar in the North Atlantic off north-western Scotland has been a better awareness of the deep ocean.
Payne, J. R., J. L. Lambach, G. H. Farmer, C. R. Phillips, M. K. Bechel, J.G. Sutton, and R. R. Sims Jr.
From the Abstract: “This program was conducted to document background hydrocarbon and trace metal levels in selected sediments and benthic fauna, and to monitor potential short and long term changes which may result from exploratory drilling activities
Payne, J. F., L. Fancey, J. Kiceniuk, U. Williams, J. Osborne, and A. Rahimtula
From the Abstract: “The use of oil-based drilling muds has been discouraged in hydrocarbon exploration and production in the marine environment but these muds are presently being used to a considerable degree in the United Kingdom and Norwegian sectors
From the Conclusions: “Sea current measurements and hydrocarbon exposure measures in the caged mussels indicated that the station design of the investigation captured the produced water plume from the Troll C platform.
From the Study Results: “The deep-water (>65 m [210 ft)] seafloor of the project area was predominantly soft bottom and contained a relatively small portion (< 10%) of hard-bottom substrate.
From the Conclusions: “An extensive data base is now established on which to base the assessment of environmentally sensitive elements in water discharges from Shell Expro oil production and drilling platforms.
Paine, M. D., E. M. DeBlois, B. W. Kilgour, E. Tracy, P. Pocklington, R. D. Crowley, U. P. Williams, and G. G. Janes
From the Abstract: “This paper describes effects of drilling with water and synthetic-based drilling muds on benthic macro- invertebrates over 10 years at the Terra Nova offshore oil development.