From the Abstract: “The species composition and distribution of 26 species of the living and dead Recent benthic foraminiferal faunas of Tibalier Bay, Louisiana, were determined…Of the [environmental] parameters studied, salinity and sediment type were
From Report on Effectiveness: “The Netherlands reported that none of the former oil-based mud (OBM) discharge sites on the Dutch Continental Shelf meets the thresholds for Stage 1 and provided reports by TNO IMARES (Netherlands Organization for Applied
From the Executive Summary: “The Disturbance of Cuttings Piles Raises Concern Cuttings piles arise from drilling operations where the drilled cuttings and associated drilling fluids are discharged at the location of the well.
Trannum, H. C., A. Setvik, K. Norling, and H. C. Nilsson
From the Abstract: “A field experiment was conducted to investigate how water-based drill cuttings and sediment type influence colonization of soft bottom communities.
Trannum, H. C., H. C. Nilsson, M. T. Schaanning, and S. Øxnevad
From the Abstract: “In this study, we aim at investigating the role of physical disturbance in effects of water-based drill cuttings on benthic ecosystems.
Trefry, J. H., K. H. Dunton, R. P. Trocine, S. V. Schonberg, N. D. McTigue, E. S. Hersh, and T. J. McDonald
From the Abstract: “A retrospective chemical and biological study was carried out in Camden Bay, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, where single exploratory oil wells were drilled at two sites more than two decades ago.
Trefry, J. H., R. P. Trocine, M. McElvaine, R. Rember, and L. Hawkins
From the Abstract: “This paper presents results from a study of concentrations of total mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in seabed sediments near six offshore drilling sites in the Gulf of Mexico.