
Publications tagged with


Cold-water corals in relation to oil and gas operations- a mini-review for the OLF 2010 cold-water coral workshop

Nielsen, M., B. J. Godal, R. K. Bechmann, and T. Baussant

From the Preface: “This mini-review covers some general aspects of CWC biology and ecology and the regular framework and legislation in relation to oil and gas activities and vulnerable ecosystems.

An assessment of seabed impacts of synthetic-based drilling mud cuttings in the Gulf of Mexico

Neff, J. M. A. D. Hart, J. P. Ray, J. M. Limia, and T. W. Purcell

From the Abstract: “The Gulf of Mexico Comprehensive Synthetic Based Muds Monitoring Program used a combination of physical, chemical, and biological measurements to survey fourteen drill sites on the continental shelf and continental slope of the Gulf


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