
Publications tagged with


Effects of drill cuttings on biogeochemical fluxes and macrobenthos of marine sediments

Schaanning, M. T., H. C. Trannum, S. Øxnevad, J. Carroll, and T. Bakke

From the Abstract: “Experimental work was performed on drill cuttings sampled from off-shore drilling operations. The cuttings contained remnants of two different types of drilling muds: a water-ilmenite based mud and an olefin-barite based mud.

Rigs to reefs: a critical evaluation of the potential for reef development using decommissioned rigs

Sayer, M. D. J. and M. S. P. Baine

From the Abstract: “ This paper reviews the effects existing platform and associated structures have on fish species of commercial importance and discusses what effect the decommissioning process could have on wild stocks in a North Sea context.

Effects of non-aqueous fluids- associated drill cuttings discharge on shelf break macrobenthic communities in the Campos Basin, Brazil

Santos, M. F. L., J. Silva, J. G. Fachel, and F. H. Pulgati

From the Abstract: “This paper assesses the effects of nonaqueous fluids (NAF) associated drill cuttings discharge on shelf break macrobenthic communities in the Campos Basin, off the southeast Brazilian coast, Rio de Janeiro State.

Effects of non- aqueous fluids cuttings discharge from exploratory drilling activities on the deep-sea macrobenthic communities.

Santos, M. F. L., P. C. Lana, J. Silva, J. G. Fachel, and F. H. Pulgati

From the Abstract: “Toxic drilling fluids and cutting Toxic drilling fluids and cutting discharges from oil and gas wells adversely affect local environment near the well site.

Monitoring the long- term effects of offshore oil and gas development along the southern California outer continental shelf and slope: Background environmental conditions in the Santa Maria Basin

Hyland, J. D., D. Hardin, D. Drake, P. Montagna, and M. Steinhauer

From the Abstract: “Potential environmental impacts of materials discharged from oil and gas development and production platforms off the coast of southern California (Santa Maria Basin) are being monitored during an ongoing, long-term (five - year) fi


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