From Conclusions: “Produced water from two platforms in Louisiana coastal waters were hypersaline brines containing complex mixtures of low concentrations of several metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and other organic compounds.
From the Abstract: “Drilling mud and associated drill cuttings are the largest volume wastes associated with drilling of oil and gas wells and often are discharged to the ocean from offshore drilling platforms.
From the Abstract: “Water based drilling muds (WBM) consist of fresh or salt water containing a weighting agent (usually barite: BaSO4), clay or organic polymers, and various inorganic salts, inert solids, and organic additives to modify the physical p
This book covers the chemical composition (e.g., metals, radioisotopes, organic acids, and hydrocarbons) of the water associated with oil and gas production.
From the Abstract: The response of the meiofauna communities to the discharge of synthetic-based mud (SBM) cuttings from an exploratory drill was analyzed in a deep-sea site (mean depth of 890 m) in the Campos Basin southeast Brazil.
From the Abstract: “The present study investigates the effects of drill cutting discharges on the structure of meiofauna communities in an area of the shelf break at Campos Basin, Southeast Brazil.