
Publications tagged with


Benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of drill cutting disposal in tropical east Atlantic outer shelf environments

Mojtahid, M., F. Jorisson, J.Durrieu, G. Galgani, H. Howa, F. Redois, and R. Camps

From the Abstract: “We present a study of benthic foraminiferal faunas from the outer continental shelf off Congo (tropicalWest Africa), with the aim to determine the impact of the discharge of oily drill cuttings on the sea floor environment, to judge

Environmental aspects of drilling muds and cuttings from oil and gas extraction operation in offshore and coastal waters

Monaghan, P. H., C. D. McAuliffe, and F. T. Weiss

From the Abstract: “Drilling mud and cuttings discharged from the more than 21,000 wells drilled offshore and in coastal waters of the United States have not caused detectable environmental damage either short-term or long-term.

Environmental aspects of the use and disposal of non aqueous drilling fluids associated with offshore oil and gas operations

Melton, H. R., J. P. Smith, H. F. Mairs, R. G. Bernier, E. Garland, A. H. Glickman, F. V. Jones, J. P. Ray, D. Thomas, A. Hess, and J. A. Campbell

From the Abstract: “High-performance non-aqueous drilling fluids (NADFs) are required to meet the challenging technical requirements of many offshore wells.

An environmental monitoring study to assess the impact of drilling discharges in the mid-Atlantic. III. Chemical and physical alterations in the benthic drilling environment

Mariani, G. M., L. V. Sick, and C. C. Johnson

From the Abstract: “Two benthic surveys werer conducted to monitor the possible accumulation of trace metals resulting from the discharge of drilling muds and drill solids during exploratory drilling in theMid-Atlanti Bight.


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