
Publications tagged with


Recolonization of deep-water hard-substrate communities: potential impacts from oil and gas development

Lissner, A. L., G. L. Taghon, D. R. Diener, S. C. Schroeter, and J. D. Dixon

From the Abstract: “Many regions of the California, USA, outer continental shelf are subject to ongoing and planned oil and gas development, but there is very limited information on the recolonization and recovery of deep-water (e.g., 60-300 m) hard-su

Barite and barium in sediments and coral skeletons around the hydrocarbon exploration drilling site in the Traena Deep, Norwegian Sea

Lepland, A. and P. B. Mortensen

From the Abstract: “Barite and barium concentrations in bottom sediments and coral skeletons from the vicinity of the hydrocarbon exploration well drilled in 1992–1993 in the Træna Deep, Norwegian Sea have been studied to assess the spreading of the dr


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