From the Abstract: “Seven offshore exploratory oil well sites were examined in an effort to determine the ecological impact of exploratory drilling on the subtropical marine ecosystems of southern Florida, including seagrass beds and coral reefs.
Durrieu, J., M. Mojtahid, L. Cazes, A. F. Galgani, F. Jorisson, D. Tran, R. Camps
From the Abstract: “During E&P offshore activities, and in particular during drilling operations, the living conditions of the flora and fauna on the seabed may be disturbed.
Dorn, P. B., I. Rhodes, D. C. L. Wong, and K.-K. Hii
From the Abstract: “The environmental fate and effects of four paraffin and one olefin synthetic based drilling mud (SBM) cuttings discharge offshore Sarawak/Sabah Malaysia were compared approximately 3 and 15 months post discharge.
From the Abstract: “The effects of olefin carbon number distribution (chain length), bond position, and branching on sediment toxicity and anaerobic degradability were investigated.
From the Abstract: “The recent and considerable oil exploration and production now underway in the waters of the North Sea has drawn attention to potential biological effects.
This chapter uses a survey the waters, sediment, plankton, and benthic invertebrates of the Ekofisk oil field in the North Sea as a way to demonstrate how long-term monitoring programs might be conducted.
Denoyelle, M., F. J. Jorisson, D. Martin, F. Galgani, and J. Miné
From the Abstract: “We compare foraminifera and macrofauna as bio-indicators of oil-based drill mud disposal site off Congo. The most polluted sites are characterized by poor faunas, dominated by some very tolerant taxa.