
Publications tagged with


Assessment of the fate and ecological risk of synthetic paraffin based drilling mud discharges offshore Sarawak and Sabah (Malaysia).

Dorn, P. B., I. Rhodes, D. C. L. Wong, and K.-K. Hii

From the Abstract: “The environmental fate and effects of four paraffin and one olefin synthetic based drilling mud (SBM) cuttings discharge offshore Sarawak/Sabah Malaysia were compared approximately 3 and 15 months post discharge.

Comparison of benthic foraminifera and macrofauna indicators of the impact of oil-based drill mud disposal

Denoyelle, M., F. J. Jorisson, D. Martin, F. Galgani, and J. Miné

From the Abstract: “We compare foraminifera and macrofauna as bio-indicators of oil-based drill mud disposal site off Congo. The most polluted sites are characterized by poor faunas, dominated by some very tolerant taxa.


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