Gray, J. S., K. R. Clarke, R. M. Warwick, and G. Hobbs
From the Abstract: “Reductions in number of species and diversity and increased dominance of opportunistic species occurred late in the sequence of response to oil as a stress factor (within 500 to 1000 m of discharge sources).
Grahl-Nielson, O., S. Sundby, K. Westrheim, and S. Wilhelmsen
From the Abstract: “The chemical impact on the environment of hydrocarbons associated with discharged cuttings from production drilling at the Statfjord A platform was investigated. The drilling was started in December 1978.
Grahl-Nielsen, O., S. Sporstøl, C. E. Sjgren, and F. Oreld
From the Abstract: “An exploratory well was drilled in the North Sea, at a water depth of 60 m, between September 1981 and February 1982, partly with the use of diesel oil-based mud.
Godø, O. R., J. Klungsøyr, S. Meier, E. Tenningen, A. Purser, and L. Thomsen
From the Abstract: “Environmental awareness and technological advances has spurred development of new monitoring solutions for the petroleum industry. This paper presents experience from a monitoring program off Norway.
Gittings, S. R., C. L. Ostrom, and K. J. P. Deslarzes
From the Abstract: “Because of high levels of hydrocarbon exploration and development in the NW Gulf of Mexico, the management of the Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary interacts regularly with the oil industry.
This paper presents the results of a number of monitoring studies dealing with the effects of drilling of oil and gas wells, including the result of drilling fluid toxicity studies.
From the Executive Summary: “This report was commissioned by Amoco UK. It identifies, describes and partially evaluates a number of solutions for managing cuttings piles in the North Sea environment. The main options considered are:
Kroncke, I., G. C. A. Duineveld, S. Raak, E. Rachor, and R. Daan
From the Abstract: “As part of the ICES/IOC Bremerhaven Workshop, the macrofauna near a former drilling site for gas in the southern North Sea was investigated.
Massie, L. C., A. P. Ward, J. M. Davies, and P. R. Mackie
From the Abstract: “In the light of increasing oil exploration and production in the northern North Sea, the Brent, Beryl and Forties oil fields, representing three different types of operation, and a number of stations between the Forties field and th