From the Abstract: “By using community parameters such as diversity of equitability, it has been shown that the [benthic] fauna responds with a dramatic drop in values of these measures closest to the platform.
Jorissen, F. J., E. Bicchi,G. Duchemin, J. Durrieu, F. Galgani, L. Cazes, M. Gaultier, and M. Camps
From the Abstract: “We studied the benthic foraminiferal faunas in a five-station, 4-km-long sampling transect around a cuttings disposal site at about 670 m depth offshore Angola (W Africa), where drilling activities started 1.5 years before sampling.
From the Abstract: Sediment samples from Timbalier Bay, Louisiana, and the adjacent offshore area were analyzed for gain size distribution, percenteage of organic carbon, percentage of carbonate, and selected elements…The results of this study indicate
Jones, D. O. B., B. D. Wigham, I. R. Hudson, and B. J. Bett
From the Abstract: “The effects of local-scale anthropogenic disturbance from active drilling platforms on epibenthic megafaunal abundance, diversity and assemblage pattern were examined in two west of Shetland hydrocarbon fields at 420 and 508 m water
From the Abstract: “The response of a deep, cold-water benthic community to physical disturbance from offshore drilling was investigated using Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) video in the Faroe–Shetland Channel.
From the Abstract: “Recovery of megabenthic assemblages from physical disturbance at the Laggan deep-water hydrocarbon drilling site in the Faroe−Shetland Channel was assessed using remotely operated vehicle quantitative video survey.
Jones, D. M., A. G. Douglas, R. J. Parkes, J. Taylor, W. Giger, and C. Schaffner
From the Abstract: “Aromatic hydrocarbon fractions isolated from sediments polluted with crude oil, from sampling stations in an around Sullom Voe, Shetland Islands, were found to exhibit, as the major feature in their gas chromatograms, an unresolved
From the Abstract: “North Sea oil and gas developments have introduced pressures on the fishing industry, on fishing operations, and on the marine ecosystem including commercial fish species.
From the Abstract: “Seven cruise exercises were conducted as one component of the Offshore Ecology Investgation (OEI) to determine the relationships between microorganisms and hydrocarbons in surface waters…There was no correlation between the numbers
From the Abstract: “Although surveys of soft-bottom macrofauna are an important tool in marine pollution monitoring, the high costs involved have often been criticised.