Pozebon, D., J. H. Z. Santos, M. C. R. Peralba, S. M. Maia, S. Barrionuevo, and T. M. Pizzolato
From the Abstract: “The impact of drilling oil activities using non-aqueous fluids (NAFs) was investigated with respect to Al, Fe, Mn, Ba, Co, Pb, Cu, As, Hg, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd, V, aliphatic and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations in the sedi
Somerville, H. J., D. Bennett, J. N. Davenport, M. S. Holt. A. Lynes, A. Mahieu, B. McCourt, J. G. Parker, R. R. Stephenson, R. J. Watkinson, and T. G. Wilkinson
From the Abstract: “Produced water from North Sea oil reservoirs contains substantial amounts (about lg I-I) of non-hydrocarbon organic matter, largely as salts of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, as well as some 20-40 mg I-1of dissolved hydrocarbo
From Abstract: “The 23 oil platforms currently operating offshore of southern California are a potential source of contaminant inputs to the Southern California Bight (SCB) from discharges associated with drilling and production activities.
The objectives of this study were 1) “to detect and measure potential long-term (or short- term) chemical, physical, and biological changes around oil and gas platforms in the southern Santa Maria Basin [located off Point Conception and Point Arguello]
From the Conclusions: “At some stations in the Platform Hidalgo area, higher levels of hydrocarbons were detected in both surface sediments and in sediment-trap material.
Pivel, M. A. G., C. M. D. S. Freitas, and J. L. D. Comba
From the Abstract: “Discharge models allow the prediction of the potential impact associated with drilling activities based on estimates of the initial spatial extent and thickness of accumulations on the sea bed.
Plante-Cuny, M. R., C. Salenpicard, C. Grenz, R. Plante, E. Alliot, and C. Barranguet
From the Abstract: “Effects of an experimental pollution by neogenous and fossil organic matter on microphyto- and macrozoobenthic communities were studied in situ over a 1 yr period (July 1989 to May 1990) in a shallow microtidal bay (Gulf of Fos, sou