McDonald, S. J., K. L. Willett, J. Thomsen, K. B. Beatty, K. Connor, T. R. Narasimhan, C. M. Erickson, and S. H. Safe
Several biomarkers of aromatic hydrocarbon exposure were used to evaluate contamination associated with
petroleum and gas development and production in the Gulf of Mexico. Several species of fish and invertebrates were sampled
Excerpt from the Abstract: “Bioindicator studies were carried out on a commercial groundfish, American plaice, at the Terra Nova development site prior to commencing (1997) and during (2000 and 2001) drilling operations.
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), and long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides) were sampled from areas with oil production in the North Sea.
Multivariate classification and comparison using principal component analysis and cluster analysis together with statistical analysis using onefactor ANOVA has been made on the alkylhomologue distribution (AHD) of naphthalene, dibenzothiophene and phen
Samples of produced water from the offshore oil production platforms Oseberg Feltsenter, Oseberg C, Brage and Troll B were collected during the period of October 1995 to August 1996.
Hydrocarbon analyses, using gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), have been conducted on benthic sediments from around the Beatrice A platform immediately after completion of the first well using low-toxicity oil-based drilling mud.
A 4-year multidisciplinary monitoring program was conducted between October 1986 and October 1990 to detect and quantify environmental impacts related to oil and gas drilling in the Arguello Field in southern California.