water pollution

Publications tagged with

water pollution

Whole-body concentrations of elements in three fish species from offshore oil platforms and natural areas in the southern California Bight, USA.

Love, M. S., M. K. Saiki, T. W. May, and J. L. Yee.

There is concern that offshore oil platforms off Southern California may be contributing to environmental contaminants accumulated by marine fishes.To examine this possibility, 18 kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus Girard, 1854), 80 kelp rockfis

A histological examination of the ovaries of Pacific sanddab, Citharichthys sordidus, captured at two oil platforms and two natural sites in the southern California Bight.

Love, M. S. and S. R. Goldberg

A number of the 26 offshore oil and gas platforms off California may be nearing the end of their economic lives.

Monitoring in the vicinity of oil and gas platforms: results from the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea and commended methods for forthcoming surveillance

Reiersen, L-O., J. S. Gray, K. H. Palmork, and R. Lange.

Note: The book’s editors note that peer reviewer’s raised considerable doubt about the validity of this study and its conclusions.

A comprehensive analysis of the effects of offshore oil and gas exploration and production on the benthic communities of the Norwegian continental shelf

Olsgard, F. and J. S. Gray

From the Abstract: "Multivariate statistical analyses of data on environmental variables and benthic fauna from 14 oil and gas fields obtained from 24 surveys collected between 1985 and 1993 are presented.


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