Kingston, P. F., L. M. Warren, R. G. Hughes, R. Earll, J. G. Parker, and J. S. Gray
Although there were originally no statutory obligations for North Sea oilfield developers to monitor the environmental impact of their activities, many companies undertook such studies voluntarily.
Middleditch, B. S., E. S. Chang, and B. Basile, and S. R. Missler
From Conclusions: “There was good evidence for petroleum alkanes in A. probatocephalus, C. spilopterus, C. arenarius, M. undulatus, P. saltatrix, P. porosissimus, P. rubio, S.
The uptake and discharge of petroleum hydrocarbons by several shellfish has been studied. Organisms which have been described as useful indicators of oil pollution include barnacles, clams, mussels, and oysters.
From the Summary: “The North Sea supports a fishing and offshore oil and gas production industry, some of the most heavily exploited resources from the seas around the United Kingdom.
McGill, A. S., P. R. Mackie, P. Howgate, and J. G. McHenery
From the Abstract: “Dabs (Limanda limanda) caught in close proximity to the Beatrice Oil Platform have been assessed for the presence of an oil taint and chemically analysed for n-alkane and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.Although contamination from
The object of this study was to use an ecosystems model to evaluate the effects of offshore oil and gas production in the Buccaneer Field, located 50.5 km south of Galveston, Texas.
From Conclusions: This study examined the biocide components of the produced water discharge from production platforms in the Buccaneer Field, located 50.5 km south of Galveston, Texas.
This study examined the petroleum hydrocarbon components of the produced water discharge from production platforms in the Buccaneer Field, located 50.5 km south of Galveston, Texas.
This paper summarizes all of the activities, from seismic surveying to the refining of petroleum that are involved in the production of offshore oil and gas fields and the potential effects to the environment of each activity is discussed.