water pollution

Publications tagged with

water pollution

Heavy metal bioaccumulation associated with drilling and production activities in middle Atlantic

Mauri, M., R. Polimeni, A. Modica, and M. Ferraro

The results presented here constitute part of a wide-ranging research project carried out between 1992 and 1994, aiming to investigate the effects of offshore AGIP hydrocarbon production activities on the abiotic and biotic environments of the Adriatic

Gulf of Mexico offshore operations monitoring experiment; Phase I: Sublethal responses to contaminant exposure, final report

Kennicutt II, M. C., R. H. Green, P. Montagna, and P. F. Roscigno

From the Executive Summary: “The Gulf of Mexico Offshore Operations Monitoring Experiment (GOOMEX): Phase I was designed to assess the nature and extent of chronic sublethal effects associated with the exposure of marine organisms to contaminants at th

Sediment deposition, biological accumulation and subcellular distribution of barium following the drilling of an exploratory well

Jenkins, K. D., S. Howe, B. M. Sanders, and C. Norwood

From the Abstract: “In the Santa Barbara Channel significant increases in the accumulation of Ba were found in sediments down current from the well site after drilling.

Oil well produced water discharges to the North Sea. Part 1. Comparison of deployed mussels (Mytilus edulis), semi-permeable membrane devices, and the DREAM model predictions to estimate the dispersion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Durrell, G., T. Roe-Utvik, S. Johnsen, T. Frost, and J. Neff

From the Abstract: “The oil companies operating in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea have conducted field studies since the mid-1990s to monitor produced water discharges to the ocean.


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