water pollution

Publications tagged with

water pollution

Composition, environmental fates, and biological effects of water based drilling muds and cuttings discharged to the marine environment: a synthesis and annotated bibliography.

Neff, J. M.

From the Abstract: “Water based drilling muds (WBM) consist of fresh or salt water containing a weighting agent (usually barite: BaSO4), clay or organic polymers, and various inorganic salts, inert solids, and organic additives to modify the physical p

Effects of drill cuttings on biogeochemical fluxes and macrobenthos of marine sediments

Schaanning, M. T., H. C. Trannum, S. Øxnevad, J. Carroll, and T. Bakke

From the Abstract: “Experimental work was performed on drill cuttings sampled from off-shore drilling operations. The cuttings contained remnants of two different types of drilling muds: a water-ilmenite based mud and an olefin-barite based mud.


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