From the Abstract: “In 1978 and 1979, a multidisciplinary study of the effects of offshore petroleum production platforms on the marine environment was funded through the Bureau of Land Management and done by Southwest Research Institute.
Jerry, F. P., L. Fancey, J. Kiceniuk, U. Williams, A. Rahimtula, S. Khan, and J. Osborne
From the Abstract: “The use of oil-based drilling fluids has been discouraged in hydrocarbon exploration and production in the marine environment but these drilling fluids are presently being used to a considerable degree in the Jnited Kingdom and Norw
From the Foreward: “This report reviews scientific literature on the fate and effects of ocean discharge of drill cuttings and associated drilling fluids from offshore oil and gas operations.
From the Abstract: “Despite intensive research, it is still not possible to determine the extent of the threat that offshore oil development poses to marine ecosystems and fisheries.
From the Abstract: “Multiyear, multidisciplinary monitoring studies began in October 1986 off Point Conception and the adjacent Santa Maria Basin, California, to detect changes in deepwater benthic communities and determine if changes were associated w