sea floor

Publications tagged with

sea floor

Gulf of Mexico offshore operations monitoring experiment (GOOMEX), Phase I: sublethal responses to contaminant exposure – introduction and overview

Kennicutt, M. C. II, R. H. Green, P. Montagna, and P. F. Roscigno

The Gulf of Mexico Offshore Operations Monitoring Experiment (GOOMEX) is a three-phase study to test and
evaluate a range of biological, biochemical, and chemical methodologies to detect and assess chronic sublethal biological

Geochemical patterns in sediments near offshore production platforms

Kennicutt, M. C. II, P. N. Boothe, T. L. Wade, S. T. Sweet, R. Rezak, F. J. Kelly, J. M. Brooks, B. J. Presley, and D. A. Wiesenburg

Patterns of the geochemical characteristics of sediments adjacent to three production platforms (22–150 m water
depths) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico were determined by the presence of the structure, the amount and type of materials

Molluscs and benthic foraminifers of Chevron ST23: preliminary biotic survey and evaluation of biotechnology potential

Anderson, L. C. and B. K. S. Gupta

Preliminary results indicate that many species of benthic Foraminifera and Mollusca have colonized
offshore Louisiana oil and gas platforms. Some of these, especially the sessile species, may have
biotechnology potential.

Benthic biology

Baker, J. H., K. T. Kimball, W. D. Jobe, J. Janousek, C. L. Howard, and P. R. Chase

Samples for this program were collected at 20 platforms and four control sites located on the Louisiana OCS.

Temporal and spatial changes in the concentrations of hydrocarbons and trace metals in the vicinity of an offshore oil-production platform.

Steinhauer, M., E. Crecelius, and W. Steinhauer

A 4-year multidisciplinary monitoring program was conducted between October 1986 and October 1990 to detect and quantify environmental impacts related to oil and gas drilling in the Arguello Field in southern California.


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