Regulation by reason: science of management in the Flower Garden Sanctuary, NW Gulf of Mexico

Gittings, S. R., C. L. Ostrom, and K. J. P. Deslarzes


From the Abstract: “Because of high levels of hydrocarbon exploration and development in the NW Gulf of Mexico, the management of the Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary interacts regularly with the oil industry. Potential threats to the pristine coral reefs of the Sanctuary are posed by seismic exploration, platform and pipeline construction, drilling discharges, discharges throughout the production life of a platform, spills, and spill countermeasures. Protective regulations were developed in response to previous research and affect the proximity of industrial activities to the reefs, platform discharges, and spill response conditions. Agreements with other Federal agencies, also based on the best available information, affect review of development plans, seismic




Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Symposium 2


