Megafauna and image analysis

Carney, R. S.


From Faunal Results: “The faunal results were consistent with previous findings in shallow water. Color analysis, combined with the results of geophysical surveys (Chapter 4) and chemical analyses (Chapters 8 and 9), suggest that the near-field images were taken in or very close to deposits of drilling discharges. Thus, there is no uncertainty as to the presence of a potentially impacting process. Overall, small megafauna showed little impact; there was no gross reduction or increase in imaged fauna. Localized significant shifts were found for two component groups. Fishes were more abundant in the near-field consistent with attraction to disturbance and structure. Ophiuroids were less abundant in the near-field. An exact cause is less easily suggested. The very flat organisms might have been buried by cuttings, or there may be a behavior shift, which resulted in fewer animals being seen in the near-field.”



Book/Report Title: 

Continental Shelf Associates Inc. Effects of Oil and Gas Exploration and Development at Selected Continental Slope Sites in the Gulf of Mexico. Final Report. Volume II. Technical Report. OCS Study MMS 2006-044. Appendices




U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans
