The effects of oil exploration and production in the Fladen Ground: composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples collected during 2001 and their comparison with sediment samples collected in 1989
Due to the potentially accumulative nature of the Fladen Ground, an area of intense oil activity in the North Sea, a survey was carried out in 1989 to map the distribution of contamination in relation to these oil activities. All the sediments collected were screened by ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and selected samples were analysed for n-alkanes (by GC-FID), PAHs and biomarkers (by GC-MSD). This survey was repeated in 2001, with all the 1989 sites being resampled. All of these sediments were analysed for UVF oil equivalents, PAHs, n-alkanes and biomarkers. The concentrations of these parameters decreased between 1989 and 2001, with average decreases ranging from 43% to 88%. In addition, no significant difference was found, for all the parameters, between near field (<5 km from an oil installation) and far field (>5 km from an oil installation) sites in 2001 indicating that the Fladen Ground is approaching a 'steady state' or background concentration for contamination.