This is a list of publications funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). You may search the list by filling out the filters.
Displaying 49 - 64 of 1085Report to the United Kingdom Offshore Operator's Association Ltd, London. , 1989
Report to the United Kingdom Offshore Operator's Association Ltd., London. , 1987
Report prepared for BP Petroleum Developments Ltd., 1992
Auris Environmental Report prepared for Brown and Root Survey Ltd., 1993
OCEANS ’85 – Ocean Engineering and the Environment, San Diego, CA 12–14 November 1985, 1985
Symposium on Environmental Fate and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21–24, 198, 1980
In Symposium on Environmental Fate and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21–24, 1980, 1980
The Responses of Marine Organisms to Their Environments (Proceedings of the 30th European Marine Biology Symposium), 1998
Ocean and Coastal Management, 2001
Fisheries, Reefs, and Offshore Development. , 2003
Proceedings: Gulf of Mexico fish and fisheries: bringing together new and recent research, October 2000, 2002
Ecological Investigations of Petroleum Production Platforms in the Central Gulf of Mexico. Volume 1. Pollutant Fate and Effects Studies., 2016
Drilling Wastes, 1989
Marine Environmental Research, 2013