From the Abstract: “Zooplankton collections were made in OEI [Timbalier Bay, Louisiana] are and in two additional Gulf of Mexico coastal areas to determine distributon patterns of holoplankton (single species copepod poulations, diversity, biomass) and
From the Abstract: “Blue runner (Caranx crysos), common around offshore petroleum platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, were found to forage extensively on meso- and macro-zooplankton during the summer months.
From the Abstract: “Blue runner (Caranx crysos), common around offshore petroleum platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, were found to forage extensively on meso- and macro-zooplankton during the summer months.
Keenan, S. F., M. C. Benfield, R. F. Shaw, and H. L. Haas
The source of productivity that sustains the high numbers of fishes associated with petroleum
platforms remains a poorly understood question. Recent studies on the feeding ecology of blue
Conclusions: “The sum total of evidence from this study and the literature individuates that the zooplankton communities of the O.E.I study areas: 1) are similar to those of other northern Gulf of Mexico areas; and 2) have not changed over the past twe
Our research demonstrates that macrozooplankton are an important dietary component of arelatively large predator [Caranx chrysos]. Direct consumption of zooplankton apparently bypasses the usual (.e., forage fish) trophic levels.