water pollution

Publications tagged with

water pollution

Petroleum hydrocarbons in sediment resulting from drilling discharges from a production platform in the North Sea

Grahl-Nielson, O., S. Sundby, K. Westrheim, and S. Wilhelmsen

From the Abstract: “The chemical impact on the environment of hydrocarbons associated with discharged cuttings from production drilling at the Statfjord A platform was investigated. The drilling was started in December 1978.

Real time observation system for monitoring environmental impact on marine ecosystem from oil drilling operations.

Godø, O. R., J. Klungsøyr, S. Meier, E. Tenningen, A. Purser, and L. Thomsen

From the Abstract: “Environmental awareness and technological advances has spurred development of new monitoring solutions for the petroleum industry. This paper presents experience from a monitoring program off Norway.

The effects of oil exploration and production in the northern North Sea: Part 1 – The levels of hydrocarbons in water and sediments in selected areas, 1978–1981.

Massie, L. C., A. P. Ward, J. M. Davies, and P. R. Mackie

From the Abstract: “In the light of increasing oil exploration and production in the northern North Sea, the Brent, Beryl and Forties oil fields, representing three different types of operation, and a number of stations between the Forties field and th

An environmental monitoring study to assess the impact of drilling discharges in the mid- Atlantic. IV. The effects of drilling discharges on the benthic community

Menzie, C. A., D. Maurer, and W. A. Leathem

From the Abstract: “Exploratory drilling at a well site in the shelf break region off Atlantic City, New Jersey, appears to have had several different effects on benthic invertebrates and demersal fish.


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