Fechhelm, R. G., B. J. Galloway, G. F. Hubbard, S. MacLean, and L. R. Martin
From the Abstract: "Two opportunistic benthic surveys werre conducted at an offshore semisubmersible oil drilling rig located in 656 m of water on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico to determine the extent of synthetic-based drilling fluid con
From the Abstract: “The fate of low aromatic content base oil discharged from two artificial island exploratory well sites in the Beaufort Sea…was studied over a 2-year period.
Sections in this book include the following: Case Histories, Treatment Practices, Land Disposal and Effects, Marine Fate and Effects, Testing Results and Protocols
From the Abstract: “Seven offshore exploratory oil well sites were examined in an effort to determine the ecological impact of exploratory drilling on the subtropical marine ecosystems of southern Florida, including seagrass beds and coral reefs.