
Publications tagged with


Development of an integrated chemical, biological and ecological approach for impact assessment of Mediterranean offshore gas platforms

Gomiero, A. and 13 others

The pressure for more energy demand is a strong driver for the construction of offshore oil and gas platforms. This also applies to the Adriatic Sea where, since 1960, several gas fields have been commissioned.

Use of multiple cell and tissue-level biomarkers in mussels collected along two fields in the northern Adriatic Sea as a tool for long term environmental monitoring

Gomiero, A., E. Volpato, C. Nasci, G. Perra, A. Viarengo, A. Dagnino, A. Spagnolo, and G. Fabi

As a consequence of the growing global demand of energy supplies, intense oil and gas exploration and exploitation programs have been carried out worldwide especially within the marine environments.

A multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the environmental impact of offshore gas platforms in the western Adriatic Sea

Gomiero, A., A. M. De Blasi, L. Da Ros, C. Nasci, A. Spagnolo, G. Scarcella, and G. Fabi

Detecting the anthropogenic impacts of offshore gas platforms requires reliable tools, because the traditional evaluation based only on chemical analyses is neither appropriate nor sufficiently sensitive.

Integrated use of biomarkers in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis for assessing off-shore gas platforms in the Adriatic Sea: results of a two-year biomonitoring program

Gomiero, A., L. da Ros, C. Nasci, F. Meneghetti, A. Spagnolo, and G. Fabi

Despite a large number of gas platforms existing in the Adriatic Sea, which is a semi-enclosed basin characterized by a slow turnover rate and increasing industrial as well as other anthropogenic activities, the effects of these structures on the aquat


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