Mathers, E. M., D. F. Houlihan, and M. J. Cunningham
Six biochemical indicators of protein synthesis rate and of metabolic rate in white muscle (RNA concentration expressed as mg RNA g-l muscle, pg RNA mg-' protein and mg RNA mg-' DNA;and the activities of the enzymes citrate synthase, cytochrome oxidase
This study reports a newly established sub-population of Lophelia pertusa, the dominant reef-framework forming coral species in the north-east Atlantic, on oil and gas platforms in the northern North Sea. L.
Fouling was investigated on Marathon Kinsale Field Alpha and Bravo platforms in the Celtic Sea between June 1978 and June 1981. In shallow depths, algae dominated, chiefly Polysiphonia brodiaei and Ulva lactuca.
Stachowitsch, M., R. Kikinger, J. Herler, P. Zolda, and E. Geutebruck
This study examined the fouling organisms on the legs of offshore oil platforms at two sites in the southern Arabian Gulf (offshore Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates). 100% of the metal structures was colonized by encrusting organisms.
The effects of selected physical and biological factors on the early development of a subtidal invertebrate assemblage were examined at an offshore oil platform in the Santa Barbara Channel (California, USA).
Secondary (i.e., heterotrophic or animal) production is a main pathway of energy flow through an ecosystem as it makes energy available to consumers, including humans.
Sammarco, P. W., A. Lirette, Y. F. Tung, G. S. Boland, M. Genazzio, and J. Sinclair
Thousands of oil platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico have provided hard substrate for settlement of Caribbean corals and have facilitated their range expansion.
Approximately 4000 oil and gas platforms exist in the northern Gulf of Mexico. These platforms provide hard substratum that extends throughout the euphotic zone, in a region where such has been rare in recent geological time.
Page, H. M., J. E. Dugan, C.S. Culver, and J.C. Hoesterey
We report the presence of 3 exotic invertebrate species inhabiting offshore oil and gas platforms on the Pacific offshore continental shelf (POCS) of central and southern California, USA.