From Conclusions: "In summary, it can be concluded as a result of this study that there is substantial recreational activity associated with the presence of oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico from Alabama through Texas and these activities ha
The purpose of this research project, performed under a Minerals Management Service contract, was to estimate demand, expenditures, and economic impact associated with recreational fishing and diving near GOM-based oil and gas structures and artificial
Snyder, D. B., L. Lagera, P. Arnold, LeRay de Wit, G. H. Burgess, and C. Friel
This paper summarizes the numbers, types (fixed, semi-submersible, tension leg etc.), and locations of the oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.
Artificial reefs have been embraced as a management tool by a wide range of user groups
(recreational and commercial fishers, recreational divers, and environmental advocacy
The red snapper Lutjanus campechanus is a potentially large and long-lived species which can
achieve ages approaching 60 years and weights of over 22 kg. In the northern Gulf of Mexico, oil
The purpose of this research project, performed under a Minerals Management Service contract, was
to estimate demand, expenditures, and economic impact associated with recreational fishing and
The most severely impacted fish species in terms of highest numbers of estimated mortalities were
Atlantic spadefish, blue runner, red snapper, and sheepshead. These four species accounted for 86%
Quantity and characteristics of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) recreational headboat discards and landings from three Texas ports (Galveston, Port Aransas, and Port Isabel) were determined in a fishery dependent study using NMFS-trained on