From the Abstract: “A material and energy flow analysis, with corresponding financial flows, was carried out for different decommissioning scenarios for the different elements of an offshore oil and gas structure.
From the Abstract: “The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has updated its policy affecting oil and gas platform abandonment and removal procedures that should facilitate efforts between coastal states and oil and gas companies in the development of bet
From the Abstract: “The North Sea Ekofisk oil field is approaching the end of its production, and various options are being considered regarding future use or demolition of the platforms. One option is the rigs-to-reefs initiative.
From the Abstract: “The 27 oil and gas platforms offshore southern California are nearing the end of their productive lives and will be decommissioned in the near future.
From the Abstract: “California's 27 offshore oil and gas platforms will reach the end of their useful lifetimes sometime in the near future and will require decommissioning.
This paper discusses 1) the characteristics of marine growth, 2) an overview of how marine growth is treated by offshore on onshore during the decommissioning process, 3) constraints in the disposal of marine growth, 4) and opportunities to improve the