Wilson, C. A., M. Miller, R. Kasprzak, and D. Stanley
From the Discussion: “This project again demonstrates the utility of dual beam hydroacoustics coupled with visual survey techniques to study fish assemblages associated with standing platforms and artificial reefs….
Artificial reefs have been embraced as a management tool by a wide range of user groups
(recreational and commercial fishers, recreational divers, and environmental advocacy
The most severely impacted fish species in terms of highest numbers of estimated mortalities were
Atlantic spadefish, blue runner, red snapper, and sheepshead. These four species accounted for 86%
The data show that sea tnrtles associate with offshore platforms. There is also evidence of resident turtles at
platforms. However, the degree of association and the extent of residency are not yet known. Surface
Platforms are long-term, high profile structures of pilings and conductors that pass from beneath the seafloor to above the sea surface. They are built to remain stable and safe for a minimum of 20 years.
Viada, S. T., R. M. Hammer, R. Racca, D. Hannay, J. J. Thompson, B. J. Balcom, and N. W. Phillips
The purpose of this study was to collect and synthesize existing information relevant to the explosive removal of offshore structures (EROS) in aquatic environments.