commercial fisheries

Publications tagged with

commercial fisheries

Bluewater fishing and OCS activity: interactions between the fishing and petroleum industries in deepwaters of the Gulf of Mexico

Continental Shelf Associates

The goals of this report, as noted in the Introduction, are to 1) “determine bluewater fishing endeavors and practices and deepwater outer continental shelf (OCS) energy development activities; 2) describe and map bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS en

The role of oil and gas platforms in providing habitat for northern Gulf of Mexico red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus

Wilson, C. A. and D. L. Nieland

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) off Louisiana and Texas currently produces significant portions of the commercial and recreational harvests of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus; however, this has not always been the case.

Habitat differences in the feeding ecology of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus, Poey 1860): a comparison between artificial and natural reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Simonsen, K. A., J. H. Cowan Jr., and K. M. Boswell

Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus, Poey 1860) support a valuable commercial and recreational fishery in the northern Gulf of Mexico; however there is much debate as to the role of habitat, particularly reef structures, in the feeding ecology o

Reef fish dynamics on Louisiana artificial reefs: the effects of reef size on biomass distribution and foraging dynamics

Simonsen, K. A.

Understanding the role that habitat plays in the life history of reef-associated fishes is particularly significant given the dramatic increase in the number of artificial reefs deployed in coastal ecosystems over the past 50 years.


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