Investigations of surficial sediments and suspended particulates at Buccaneer field
From the Executive Summary: “Water column samples were taken at stations around two production platforms and near a well jacket and flare stack in the Buccaneer Oil Field during summer, fall, winter and spring periods (1978-1979). To characterize suspended particulates at these stations, analyses were made of total suspended matter TSM), particulate organic carbon (POC), chlorophyll a, adenosinetriphosphate (ATP), calcium carbonate (CaC03), silicate, carbon isotopes, particle size and clay mineralogy and transmissometry. Nutrients and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were also determined on the waters. Surficial sediment samples were analyzed for organic carbon, CaCO3, clay mineralogy, particulate size and carbon isotopes. Pb-210 dating was performed on six cores to provide an estimate of the sedimentation rate…
Contaminants introduced to the sediments in the Buccaneer field may be rapidly removed from the platform vicinity by suspension and redeposition. Surficial sediment data indicate that there is considerable movement of the fine grain material in the area. Direction of sediment transport appears to be controlled by seasonal current patterns. Near-bottom nepheloid layers observed during all seasons also indicates that fine grained surficial sediments within the field are in a continued state of resuspension and reworking. only contaminants associated with very coarse grained material would be expected to remain permanently in the field.”