Examination of body burden and taint for Icelandic scallop (Chlamys islandica) and American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) near the Terra Nova offshore  oil development over ten years of drilling on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada

DeBlois, E. M., J. W. Kiceniuk, M. D. Paine, B. W. Kilgour, E. Tracy, R. D. Crowley, U. P. Williams, and G. G. Janes


From the Abstract: “This paper presents results of analyses of body burdens of metals and hydrocarbons, and taste tests for taint, in Iceland scallop and American plaice performed as part of the Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program for the Terra Nova offshore oil development (Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada). Scallop and plaice were collected in a Study Area located within approximately 1 km of drill centres at Terra Nova and in a Reference Area located approximately 20 km from the development. Samples were collected in 1997 to establish a baseline, and from 2000 to 2010, during drilling periods. Scallop adductor muscle tissue was contaminated with 4C10–C21 aliphatic hydrocarbons resembling the drilling fluid in the synthetic drilling mud (SBM) used at Terra Novain 2000, 2002 and 2004, but contamination of adductor muscle was not noted in 2006, 2008 and 2010.The maximum concentration in muscle was 28 mg/kg wet weight, noted in 2002. Scallop viscera was contaminated with hydrocarbons resembling drilling fluid in SBMs near drill centres in all EEM years except 2010. Viscera contamination with 4C10–C21 hydrocarbons gradually decreased from a maximum of 150 mg/kg in 2000, to a maximum of 27 mg/kg in 2008; all values were below the laboratory reporting detection limit of 15 mg/kg in 2010. Therefore, evidence from both muscle and viscera indicates a decrease in tissue hydrocarbon contamination in recent years. Barium, another major constituent in drilling muds, has not been noted in scallop adductor muscles at concentrations above the reporting detection limit, but barium was detected inviscera in baseline and EEM years. The maximum concentration of barium in viscera during baseline sampling was 8 mg/kg. The maximum concentration in EEM years (29 mg/kg) was noted in 2000.The maximum concentration in 2010 was 25mg/kg. The concentration of metals other than barium in scallop tissues was similar between the Terra Nova Study Area and the Reference Area. Hydrocarbons resembling the fluid in SBMs were noted in one American plaice liver sample collected near drill centres in 2000. Otherwise, there has been no evidence of project-related metals or hydrocarbon contamination in plaice liver or fillet samples. There has been no evidence of taint (off-taste) for scallop adductor muscle and plaice fillet tissue in baseline or EEM years. Combined with a parallel study on fish bioindicators at Terra Nova that showed that fish health at Terra Nova was similar to that at the Reference Area, these results indicate little to no detectable biological effects on Iceland scallop and American plaice as a result of Terra Nova activities.”




Deep-Sea Research II




