red snapper

Publications tagged with

red snapper

Cumulative ecological significance of oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico: Information search, synthesis and ecological modeling; Phase I, Final Report

LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. and Science Applications International Corp

From the Abstract: “Bibliographic searches were made of eight databases for information and data describing the environmental characteristics and biota of the Gulf of Mexico.

Determination of trace elements in red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, otoliths using ICPMS to evaluate their affinity for oil and gas platforms

Mione, L., J. H. Cowan Jr., R. F. Shaw, R. Gauldie, and E. DeCarlo

From Results: "Discriminant function analysis was successful in differentiating between our two sites using all 17 elements that were analyzed with otolith microchemistry.

Determination of trace elements in red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, otoliths using ICPMS to evaluate their affinity for oil and gas platforms

Mione, L., J. H. Cowan Jr., R. F. Shaw, R. Gauldie, and E. DeCarlo

From Results: “Discriminant function analysis was successful in differentiating between our two sites using all17 elements that were analyzed with otolith microchemistry.

Abundance, age distribution, growth rate, and mortality estimations for red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, around gas platforms and other artificial structures in the northeast Gulf of Mexico

Szedlmayer, S. T., C. Furman, and D. Moss

We estimated red snapper Lutjanus campechanus, abundance, age frequency, fecundity, and
mortality, through a fishery independent survey. We tested six capture methods: bandit rigs, gill


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