Macrofouling role of mussels in Italian Seas: a short review

Relini, G. and M. Montanari.


A mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.) dominated community represents the climax fouling assemblages on most structures and facilities in Italian seas and enclosed brackish environments. On offshore structures mussels account for 80% to 98% of the total fouling wet weight. In the Adriatic Sea (Ravenna platforms), mussels near the surface can achieve a wet weight of more than 90 kg/mÇ and a shell length of 6-7 cm within one year, and on artificial reefs up to 120 kg/mÇ. In the Ionian Sea (Crotone platform) mussels reach wet weights of 6 kg/mÇ and lengths of 3.5 cm near the water surface, and in the Ligurian Sea (Genoa platform), 26 kg/mÇ and 6.2 cm.”



Book/Report Title: 

Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (Additional papers), DSTO-GD-0287.




DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, Fishermans Bend, Victoria.
