Sea turtles and the explosive removal of offshore oil and gas structures
The data show that sea tnrtles associate with offshore platforms. There is also evidence of resident turtles at
platforms. However, the degree of association and the extent of residency are not yet known. Surface
observations are not always effective in detecting the presence of turtles. During 1987-1988. no turtles
were known to be killed or injured by explosions, but this is difficult to assess because the carcass of an
impacted turtle probably sinks and is not visible from the surface for several days until it bloats from
decomposition and subsequently refloats. The observer program described here has saved one turtle off
Corpus Christi from certain death or serious injury and probably another turtle 100 miles off the Texas-
Louisiana border. In addition, the program is a valaablt: source of information pertaining to turtle
distribution. seasonality, and behavior at offshore artificial reef habitats.