shell mounds

Publications tagged with

shell mounds

Sampling of outer continental shelf shell mounds associated with platforms located in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin.

Weston Solutions Inc. and Science Applications International Corporation

From the Summary: “This Feasibility Study represents the first step in the planning process for the OCS shell mound characterization sampling.

Effects of two offshore gas platforms on soft-bottom benthic communities (northwestern Adriatic Sea, Italy)

Manoukian, S., A. Spagnolo, G. Scarcella, E. Punzo, R. Angelini, and G. Fabi

The macrozoobenthos living around two offshore gas platforms, Barbara NW (pB) and Calipso (pC) located in the northwestern Adriatic Sea were investigated for three years after their construction to detect eventual effects due to the platforms.

Determining the ecological value of fish resources at platform decommissioning sites using remotely operated vehicles and trapping techniques in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA

Krause, P. R., R. W. Hill, W. R. Gala, and S. Larew

As part of decommissioning four platforms off the coast of California (USA), the underlying drill cutting mounds were left behind.


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