nursery grounds

Publications tagged with

nursery grounds

Offshore petroleum platforms: functional significance for larval fish across longitudinal and latitudinal gradients

Shaw, R. F., D. C. Lindquist, M. C. Benfield, T. Farooqi, and J. T. Plunket

This was a baseline ecological ichthyoplankton study conducted at two platforms east of the Mississippi River Delta. Using light traps and passive plankton nets larval and juvenile fish were over two nights, twice monthly, from May–September 1999.

Potential use of offshore marine structures in rebuilding an overfished rockfish species, bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis)

Milton S. Love, Donna M. Schroeder, William Lenarz, Alec MacCall, Ann Scarborough Bull, and Lyman Thorsteinson

From the Abstract: "Although bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) was an economically important rockfish species along the west coast of North America, overfishing has reduced the stock to about 7.4% of its former unfished population.

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