
Publications tagged with


Comparison of plankton catch by three light-trap designs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Shaw, R. F., J. S. Cope, G. J. Holt, A. Ropke, S. R. Thorrold, J. G. Ditty, T. W. Farooqi, and J. R. Rooker

From the Abstract: “The Ichthyoplankton catch and zooplankton biomass estimates of three light-trap designs…were compared over three consecutive nights at an offshore petroleum platform in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The across-shelf larval, postlarval, and juvenile fish community associated with offshore oil and gas platforms and a coastal rock jetty west of the Mississippi River Delta

Hernandez, F. J. Jr., R. F. Shaw, J. S. Cope, J. G. Ditty, T. Farooqi, and M. C. Benfield

The fisheries aggregation value of oil and gas platforms in the continental shelf waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is well recognized, but the assessment of early life stages associated with these structures has not been adequately addressed

Comparison of plankton net and light trap methodologies for sampling larval and juvenile fishes at offshore petroleum platforms and a coastal jetty off Louisiana

Hernandez, F. J. Jr. and R. F. Shaw

            While sampling ichthyoplankton associated with artificial structures across the continental shelf (3–230 m depth) of the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), we compared passive, 60 cm diameter plankton net and light-trap methodologies at three o

Vertical and within platform spatial variability of larval and juvenile fishes associated with petroleum platforms off Louisiana

Hernandez, F. J. Jr. and R. F. Shaw

The abundance of Blenniidae on platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico may be substantially underestimated. Previous studies have reported the abundance of blenny species on platforms to range between 0.6 fish and 16 fish m-2.

The across-shelf larval, postlarval, and juvenile fish assemblages collected at offshore oil and gas platforms west of the Mississippi River Delta

Hernandez, F. J. Jr., R. F. Shaw, J. S. Cope, J. G. Ditty, T. Farooqi, and M. C. Benfield

A cross-shelf transect of three oil and gas platforms in the north-central Gulf was sampled to examine the role that platforms (hard substrate habitat) may play in the early life history stages of reef-dependent and reef-associated fishes.

Comparison of plankton net and light trap methodologies for sampling larval and juvenile fishes at offshore petroleum platforms and a coastal jetty off Louisiana

Hernandez, F. J. Jr. and R. F. Shaw

We sampled ichthyoplankton at artificial structures across the continental shelf (3–219-m depth) of the northern Gulf of Mexico and compared passive plankton net and light trap methodologies at three offshore petroleum platforms (shelf slope, mid-shelf


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