drill cuttings

Publications tagged with

drill cuttings

Effects of non-aqueous fluids- associated drill cuttings discharge on shelf break macrobenthic communities in the Campos Basin, Brazil

Santos, M. F. L., J. Silva, J. G. Fachel, and F. H. Pulgati

From the Abstract: “This paper assesses the effects of nonaqueous fluids (NAF) associated drill cuttings discharge on shelf break macrobenthic communities in the Campos Basin, off the southeast Brazilian coast, Rio de Janeiro State.

Physico-chemical and biological features of a drilling site in the North Sea, one year after discharges of oil- contaminated drill cuttings

Daan, R., H. Van Het Groenewoud, S. A. De Jong, and M. Mulder

From the Abstract: “In the framework of the Paris Convention for the prevention of marine pollution, the Dutch government initiated a research programme on environmental effects of discharges of contaminated drill cuttings from platforms in the North S

Differential sensitivity of macrozoobenthic species to discharges of oil contaminated drill cuttings in the North Sea

Daan, R., M. Mulder, and A. Vanleeuwen

From the Abstract: “To assess the effects on macrozoobenthos of discharged drill cuttings with adhering drilling mud, monitoring studies have been performed around several drilling locations in the Dutch sector of the North Sea since 1985.

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