Oil platforms as reef: oil and fish can mix

Driessen, P. K.


From the Abstract: “Offshore oil and gas production platforms function as excellent artificial reefs, providing a hard substrate for corals, bivalves and other sessile animals, as well as food and shelter for a wide variety of benthic, midwater and surface fish and invertebrates. The biological basis for this artificial reef phenomenon is presented, along with a summary of typical species associated with California and Gulf of Mexico platforms, a discussion of pollution concerns and a brief overview of the offshore leasing programs that have led to the siting of over 4,000 platform reefs in U.S. coastal and ocean waters.”



Book/Report Title: 

Coastal Zone ’85: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Baltimore, Maryland, July 30–August 2, 1985. Volume 2.




O. T. Magoon
