Movement of scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae: Sebastes and Scorpaena) in the southern California Bight
The movement of 25 species of rockfishes and three incidentally-taken species was studied to provide information necessary for management of this nearshore resource. Results of a tag-and-release program indicate that most of the species studied are sedentary or make only small scale (<10 km) movements. The bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, and olive rockfish, Sebastes serranoides, were the only rockfishes for which large scale (>10 km) movement was documented. Bocaccio were noted to move ulp to 148 km.
Movement of up to 218 km was demonstrated for the California scorpionfish, Scorpaena guttata. Tag return and other data are presented which suggest that California scorpionfish, once thought to be sedentary, move freely through midwater and travel long distances, presumably to spawn.