The effect of structures on migratory and local marine birds
Observations on birds associated with a platform off Texas were made over the course of one year. From the Conclusions: “The collection and analysis of data from the four quarters of observation during 1976–77 does not warrant definite conclusions concerning the overall effects of the Buccaneer Field structures on avian species…Analysis of the data from the summer and winter quarters (non-migratory seasons) leads to the a reasonable conclusion that the effect of the structures ranges from insignificant for some species to beneficial for others…It appears reasonable to speculate…that fall migrants suffer no adverse effects from the presence of the structures, and possibly may benefit from them…The presence of large numbers of dead birds on the platform during the spring quarter could be interpreted as a detrimental effect of the Buccaneer Field structures. Mortality was never observed to be a direct result of either collisions with the structures or contamination by petrochemical substances. Dead and dying birds on the platform appeared to be a result of exhaustion and lack of food and water.”